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On the backdrop of our economic stagnancy, staggering national debt, high unemployment, and rapidly approaching socio-ecological difficulties, this timely book presents a miraculous new economic approach capable of effectively addressing our serious situation.  Even with our stagnant economy, and without resorting to deficit spending or increased taxes, Global Economic Optimization (GEO) will generate the vast additional wealth required to:

  • fund solutions to our socio-ecological problems
  • develop the technologies, products, and services of the future
  • raise corporate earnings to levels not otherwise possible
  • create countless new jobs filled with purpose and mission

Zine & Book

This book will provide readers with an understanding of:

  • the all-pervading principle upon which GEO is  based
  • our present perilous conditions
  • how GEO will deliver a miraculous solution to our dire situation
  • how GEO will help unify our fragmented world
  • why GEO is an achievable approach, though miraculous in effect
  • the lessons from history that point to the path through our difficult times
  • how the rise of Unifying Vision offers to transform our world
  • why we are in a race against time